The full official name: the Pedagogical Institute of the Federal State-Owned State-Financed
Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “The Brothers Stoletov State University of Vladimir”
The short official name: “PI VlSU”
The Pedagogical Institute works to achieve the following objectives:
- meeting the requirements of individuals in their quest for intellectual, cultural and professional development through undergraduate and postgraduate education in the field of teacher preparation;
- meeting the needs of society and state for qualified specialists who graduated from higher
- educational institutions in the field of teacher education;
- the advancement of learning and the pursuit of scholarship through research by teaching staff/faculty, doctoral candidates, postgraduate and undergraduate students in the field of teacher education;
- the development of educational and research contacts with educational and research organizations and communities of Vladimir Oblast, other regions of Russia and foreign countries;
- training, retraining and in-service training of specialists and administration in the field of teacher education;
- the establishment of a high-quality system of training specialists in the field of undergraduate and postgradutate teacher education, which meets international standards;
- the creation of a flexible and efficient system of both free and paid educational, consulting and creative services in the field of teacher education for all interested businesses and individuals;
- the dissemination of knowledge at community level, raising people’s educational and cultural awareness in the field of teacher education;
The above objectives are achieved through the following activities:
- training, retraining and in-service training of specialists in the field of higher education, including shorter educational programmes, on the basis of secondary vocational and higher professional education;
- the provision of additional paid educational services not covered by the relevant educational programs and state educational standards as well as those rendered under contracts with legal and/or natural persons;
- methodological, academic and applied research;
- the execution of research commissioned under the customer/contractor principle, the provision of educational, consulting and other services;
- organizing and holding competitions, workshops and seminars, confrences etc;
- the dissemination (through the media as an option) of pedagogical knowledge and best achievements in the field of educational theory;
- the publication and sale of research and methodological literature, textbooks, reference books, manuals and other materials, including those in digital form, in conformity with the PI VlSU study and research priorities;
The research carried out by the Pedagogical Institute pursues the following objectives:
- the development of basic and applied science;
- the introduction of the latest scientific achievements into teacher training;
- the preparation of highly qualified teachers and performers and upgrading their skills;
The Pedagogical Institute has the following major research priorities:
- fundamental and applied problems of teacher education;
- theory and praxis in teacher education;
- theory and methods of teaching specialist subjects as envicaged by the specialities and priorities of teacher education;